Friday, March 6, 2015

Flashback Friday

Yesterday, the day after we brought Dad home from the hospital and the day that we woke up to a foot of snow on the ground, our microwave crapped out.  We smelled that familiar burnt plastic smell when we turned it on, and after seeing that the carousel wasn't turning, I unplugged it and decided to buy a new one, which I did this morning.  But yesterday afternoon, we were talking about the microwave and got to reminiscing on what we did before we had the microwave.
  1. We thawed out meat in a pan in the kitchen sink instead of using the "defrost" setting on the microwave.
  2. We put hamburger or hot dog buns in the oven to toast them instead of heating them for 30 seconds in the microwave.
  3. We made our popcorn in a big heavy pan on the stove instead of pressing the "popcorn" button on the microwave.
  4. We used a pan in the oven or on the stove to heat up leftovers.
  5. We used a tea kettle on the stove to get water hot for a cup of tea or hot chocolate

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