Saturday, March 28, 2015

I Hate Facebook

It's times like this that I hate Facebook.  And I'm not real happy with protocol at my church, either.

I was at church early this morning for our quarterly women's group breakfast and meeting.  Before the meeting started, I got out my iPhone and checked out what was going on in Facebook.  The first post I saw was from someone that doesn't go to our church.  It was a post about a dear church member and that had died last night.  It's not something that you want to read about on Facebook, especially from someone that is not even connected to your church family anymore. 

I shared this with the ladies that were there at the meeting, and it was news to them, also.  One of the ladies was sad and then mad - mad because the church staff or deacons had put together a phone chain to notify people. 

We can be mad at how we found out, but it really doesn't change the fact that our dear friend Ivan has died.

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