Sunday, May 29, 2011

Link Of The Week

Something happened to me this week that I know people will think it's a tall tale: I called the IRS and actually talked to a live person.  Yep, it happened. And not by accident, mind you; it too a while but I finally made it through.  I called the regular number listed on the IRS website and kept pushing number after number, hoping to finally get to a person but had no luck.  Then I did a quick Google search for "number to call to speak to a person at the IRS" and the most awesome website came up that gave the number to call and precise instructions on how to speak to a person. All it said to do was call the regular IRS number and do nothing - don't say anything or press any numbers, and then you would be put through to a live person.  Darned if it didn't happen.  Sure, I had to wait about 15 minutes on hold before speaking to probably the most best customer service rep that I've ever spoken to, but it worked. 

Check out for a list of couple hundred frequently called companies, the phone numbers to call and instructions on how to get to a live person.  I believe this might be one of the most useful Links of the Week that TWIT has posted. Good luck!

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