Friday, May 6, 2011

Flashback Friday

For my faithful readers who don't live here in Louisville, today is just another Friday.  But for those of you in  Louisville, it's not just another Friday; it's Derby Eve. For pretty much the whole city, Derby Eve has become a holiday.  For a lot of businesses and companies, Derby Eve is a company holiday.  They figured they might as well close since a lot of the employees would take off anyway.  And in recent years, it's also become a school holiday, as well.  But I have the distinction of saying that my school was THE first school to be closed on Derby Eve. 

Back in the day, my school was about a block from Churchill Downs, and they would close school on Derby Eve so they could make extra money by parking cars in the parking lots. We didn't care- we were just happy to be off from school.  Like I said earlier, all of the schools in the city and county are closed on Derby Eve. At least we were the first.

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