Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It Was Twenty Years Ago Today . . .

This should actually be a Flashback Friday, but it's too important to me to postpone posting until later on this week.  It's hard to believe that twenty years ago today, the awesome movie "Thelma and Louise" premiered in the movie theaters. 

Twenty years ago, Mom still had her cleaning business, and one of her clients was the grandmother of Callie Khouri, the woman that wrote the screenplay for "Thelma and Louise."  Mom had the privilege of meeting Callie a few times during her time when she worked for her grandmother, and said she was a very sweet, kind,  young woman.

Shortly after the movie was released, Mom, me and a friend of mine went to see the movie. The following week when Mom went to clean for Callie's grandmother, she was surprised to find that Callie was in town and was there at her grandmother's.  Mom told them that we saw the movie, and Callie immediately wanted to know what we thought of it. Mom told her that while the movie was showing she saw me and our friend get mad, laugh and cry, all within a two-hour period. 

If you are a member of Netflix, I urge you to order "Thelma and Louise" this week and watch it for old time's sake. Tonight is the "Dancing With The Stars" finale, and nothing will keep us from watching that, but the family has already made plans to watch "Thelma and Louise" together tomorrow night.

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