Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

All good things must come to an end, and so does my vacation.  It's back to work tomorrow morning for me.  I hauled the California relatives to the airport this afternoon and saw them off, and tomorrow morning the remaining Alabama relative will head back down south, and then it will be just the Rents and me here at The Compound.  We had more than our share of dramas over the past week, but all in all it was good for the family to be together.  Sure, I wanted to knock some of them in the head with my Louisville Slugger, but they are blood kin, and I just bit my tongue so hard I could taste blood on more than one occasion.  But it's time for some reflection on my week with The Relatives.

Looking back, it wasn't all that bad.  At least I wasn't working, and I was getting paid for my days off - that's a plus.  But it was just the little things that really irritated me.  For one, the incessant flushing of the toilet at all hours of the night and early morning.  I understand that you normally flush the toilet when you use it, but please be considerate of those whose bedroom is next to the toilet and the sound is amplified a thousand times.  And I swear that all four of The Relatives were taking a Lasix or some other water pill, as much as they used the bathroom all night long.  It made no sense to me - they ate and drank all day long, and sure didn't use the bathroom nearly as much as they did in the middle of the night.   The lights were another major source of irritation for me.  They would leave the lights in their bedrooms and in the bathrooms on all the time.  I guess they thought that our electricity was free.  Mom and I spent half our time going behind them turning off the lights.  And as soon as we would turn them off, they would go back into their bedroom and damned if they didn't leave the lights on again.  

I could go on for a few more paragraphs but I won't.  I'll just close by saying something I never thought I would say:  I'm actually looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. 

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