Saturday, October 13, 2007

Poisoned Pot Pie Update

TWIT is the first on the scene with breaking news.  I have one report of a confirmed case of salmonella poisoning from the Banquet chicken pot pies.  My Aunt Helen, who was here visiting at The Compound  a couple of weeks ago, ate one of the poisoned pot pies earlier this week, and was sick for two days after eating it.  My cousin (her daughter) emailed me with this news, knowing I would want to report it to my faithful readers, and my first words to here were "Did you call a lawyer?"  Aunt Helen is fine now, and didn't have to be hospitalized, thank goodness, but you can bet she'll never eat another pot pie.  On a side note, her husband (my Uncle Roy) worked for Premium Foil - the company that made the aluminum pans for the Banquet pot pies, back when pot pies came in those cool little pans. 

I also have a related report of the poisoned pot pie.  The wife of faithful reader JMc ate one for lunch on Thursday, and did not get sick.  We're glad of that, since she has a career, two busy kids, and a husband to deal with. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your Aunt Helen is fine now.  What a scare!  I can't remember the last time I had a pot pie, but since you mentioned it - sounds good - but I will stay away from the banquet ones! Thanks for the notice.