Sunday, June 2, 2024

Easy Like Sunday Morning

 As I type this, it is very peaceful here at The Compound.  But for the past few months, it has been very irritating at bedtime with loud tree frogs.  Add to that the Big German Shepherd next door barking, and it easily gets on my nerves.  But we have one more thing to add to that equation - Duke the big and extremely loud rooster next door.  Those all three make for unpeaceful sleep.  The tree frogs start at about 9:00 and stop at about midnight.  Duke starts crowing loudly at about 5:00 in the morning, and keeps up all day long until almost sundown.  The Big German Shepherd will start barking after dark, when he goes out the doggie door into his backyard.  As if this wasn't bad enough, we have the cicadas coming soon.  I might pack up some clothes and take the Old Man to a hotel for a month so we can get some sleep.  

Stay tuned.  

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