Thursday, June 6, 2024

Thankful Thursday

 I am very thankful today.  First, for a friend that I took to the doctor today.  She's been having major issues for the past few weeks since she was put on meds, and it has affected her walking and stability.  The doctor today recommended doubling up on one of the meds that will hopefully help this issue.  

I am also thankful for an old time friend from church, who had some issues and a fall and had to go to rehab for a few weeks.  He's been home now  a week and says he feels much better and stronger.

I am also thankful that the Old Man felt like going out to eat yesterday afternoon.  He's 90, and I know he has aches and pains in his back and hip, but he felt good yesterday and we had a great supper out at our favorite Mexican place. 

I am also thankful for my retirement fund from ZCO.  I can't say this enough.

I am also thankful for my LazyBoy recliner, which I think I will get into in a few minutes with a cup of coffee.  

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