Friday, October 13, 2023

Flashback Friday

 Last night, the Old Man and I were talking about Gram's awesome banana pudding.  I told him that I would be willing to try (key word) to make some if (another key word) he would make the meringue. I went to the old recipe box and found Gram's little black notebook full of handwritten recipes.  He and I guessed that the little black book was at least 70 years old.  

Each recipe was handwritten in Gram's perfect writing.  She had the prettiest handwriting of just about anyone I know.  If someone had given her the recipe, at the top of the page or at the bottom she had written that person's name.  It was a cool time of reminiscing as I thought about some of the women that had shared some of the recipes.  

And I only had to look through a few pages before I found her banana pudding recipe.  Now it's up to me to make it.

Stay tuned.

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