Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dr. John's Legacy

I was very upset yesterday when I found out that one of the family's favorite people Dr. John had died, and I had a lot of emotional thoughts last night, and wanted to think things through before I gave him a fitting tribute in TWIT.  

Dr. John and his wife Betty Jean were in our Sunday School class at church.  If you were go to up to anyone that knew him and Betty Jean, every person would say without hesitation that they were the sweetest people that ever drew a breath.  

Dr. John was a retired pastor, and from talking with people that knew him, I found out what an awesome preacher that he was.  Preaching ran in his family; his brother was our interim pastor at our old church, and he was an awesome preacher.  So yep, it ran in the family.  

He was a veteran, and proudly served in WWII in the Navy.  He told us stories of his time in the service, and how much he enjoyed it.  He was a baker, and told us about how one time the ocean was very rough and he had to put pies in a hammock to keep them from sliding around.  

I'm so glad that the 'Rents and I were able to know Dr. John and his wife.  We miss him already; I can't begin to think of how much his sweet Betty Jean misses him.  

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