Wednesday, October 14, 2015

What A Relief

Well, faithful readers, this morning, I thought I was one step away from going to the emergency room.  

When I got to work and turned on the computer, I couldn't read anything on the monitors.  It was all blurry.  I blinked my eyes a bizillion times, and ended up putting on my reader glasses and was finally able to read my emails and the monitor screens.  But something just wasn't right.  A dozen different scenarios kept going through my mind -- I'd had a stroke; I was going blind; etc, etc. 

I was ready to call my eye doctor and ask if I needed to go to the ER, then I decided to go to the bathroom and take the contacts out and rinse them with saline solution.  

As soon as I took out the contact in my right eye, I realized that I had the contacts in the wrong eyes.  I can count on two fingers the times that has happened in the 30+ years I've worn contact lens.  Boy did I feel equally stupid and relieved.

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