Friday, June 16, 2006

Odds And Ends Friday

Bon Voyage
I'd like to wish a safe, fun, and happy trip to my dear friends T and S.  They leave in a couple of days for their two week trip to Costa Rica.  I'll think of you guys every time that I use my cool Watusi glasses that you gave me.  Have a great trip and don't do anything I wouldn't do.  Ha ha.

I'd also like to wish my 'rents a safe, fun and happy vacation.  They leave next week on their annual trip to Perrault Falls, Ontario.  I'm sure they will bring back lots of fish, and lots of fish tales.  And while they're gone, please say a pray that all vines, roots, bushes and trees that produce any type of vegetable or fruit will not produce said vegetable or fruit until they get back. 

Get Well Soon
I'd like to ask you, faithful readers, to please add our VFW commander Donnie to your prayer list.  He was diagnosed with cancer a month ago and is now undergoing his chemo treatments.  He looks great, and the doctors are calling for a complete recovery. So hurry up and get back to the post.  We all miss you.

Hurry Back
I'd like to personally welcome back my dear friends and co-workers SH and PW.  They've both been out of the office this past week on vacation and I've missed them bigtime.  I know you two might think differently, but I can't wait till you're back at work.  I haven't had anyone to goof off with.

I'm Glad You're Back
I'd like to give a major shout out to my second mother PJ. She's back in action after her heart surgery in January.  You look great PJ, and I'm glad to have you back.  I need all the help I can looking out for me. 

Hang In There
I'd like to give another major shout out to my dear friend T.  Hang in there.  I'm so proud of you, and just remember that I've got your back.  


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