Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Farewell, Eddie

I'm sad to report that Eddie, the dog on the "Frasier" TV show, has passed away.  He was sixteen years old (in human years).  The 16-year-old Jack Russell terrier, whose real name was Moose, passed away of old age Thursday at the Los Angeles home of his trainer Mathilde Halberg.  The canine character Eddie drove lead actor Kelsey Grammer's character Frasier crazy for ten years on the show.  His contribution to the show's and Grammer's success was publicly noted by the actor when he accepted a 1994 Emmy for best actor in a comedy.  "Most important, Moose, this is for you," Grammer added good naturedly.

Moose was originally owned by a Florida family, but was too hard to handle.  He couldn’t be house trained; he chewed everything; he dug and barked a lot; and he was constantly escaping and climbing trees.  His Florida owners gave him to Birds and Animals Unlimited, a company that trains animals for TV and motion pictures. At the age of two and a half years old, Moose was put on a plane and sent to the Los Angeles chapter of the show-biz animal company.  Within six months, Moose had calmed down and learned his craft and he beat out other dogs for the roll of Eddie. 

I wasn't a big fan of "Frasier" but I will admit that I watched the show just to see Eddie.  The funniest part of the show was whenever Eddie would jump up on Frasier's father's easy chair or up on Frasier's expensive couch.  Moose wasn't as hyperactive as most Jack Russells are, so he didn't jump around like a Mexican jumping bean while on camera.  He was fairly calm, and "Frasier" fans loved it whenever he would stare at Frasier.


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