Monday, January 16, 2012

Manic Monday Bigtime

It was a very bizarre Monday, faithful readers.  Last Monday, as soon as I got to work I was greeted by coworkers telling me that another coworker had gotten fired the Friday before.  Nobody had a clue.  That was the big buzz at work for maybe a day or so, and then the news died down and we were on to another drama to talk about.

Today at work, we were faced with a similar discussion.  As soon as I walked through the door this morning I was asked if I'd heard the news about another coworker who had just quit.  Once again, nobody had a clue. 

So now, we're all waiting in anticipation of next Monday to see if the pattern continues.  As always, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Puddin said...

P.S. About an hour after I posted the journal entry, I received some text messages saying another coworker had gotten the ax late this afternoon. This news wasn't nearly as surprising as the demise of the previous two coworkers. But it's newsworthy nonetheless.