Thursday, January 19, 2012

At Last?

Our neighbors to the south of us in the land called Valley Station are happy tonight.  The official announcement was made this morning telling that after years of waiting and anticipation, there will finally be a Cracker Barrel out in Valley Station on Dixie Highway close to the Snyder Freeway. The big groundbreaking will be very soon, and they hope to have the restaurant open sometime in July.

People might not think this is a big deal, but to those in Valley Station and to us in PRP it's a very big deal. Rumors have been swirling for over ten years about either an Olive Garden or Cracker Barrel coming to this particular spot of land.  In preparation for a restaurant, a church was torn down (although they did keep the bricks to put on the new church) and a chapel built in the late 1800's was physically moved a mile or so away in 2006 -- all to make room for the restaurant. Only the restaurant wasn't getting built.

We'd almost given up hope - especially after a new Waffle House and Taco Bell were built about a half mile from the location of the new Cracker Barrel. But today the big announcement was made and cheering could be heard all throughout Valley Station and PRP.

Now, the big question remains:  would you like cornbread or biscuits?

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