Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Come In From The Rain

I've been trying to process something for the past couple of days and the more I think about it, the more I end up just shaking my head.

The other day, I had to run downtown to church during my lunch break, and it was raining. At least I got to wear my cool new Gorton's Fisherman type raincoat.  But I digress.  The route I take to our church takes me right through the U of L campus. Keep in mind it was raining.  It was the middle of the day and there were students everywhere.  Out of all of the university students that I saw, none of them were carrying umbrellas.  They were just walking around in the rain.  Now, these were college kids - supposedly intelligent kids - yet they didn't have sense enough to carry an umbrella or come in from the rain.  Maybe they don't pay any attention to the weather forecasts; if they had listened, then they would have known it was going to rain so they should take an umbrella. 

Like I said, I just shook my head in disbelief. These college kids are going to be my generation's leaders in the near future.  And yet they don't know when to use an umbrella or wear a raincoat. That scares me.

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