Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mullet Watch

I'm the first to admit that I've been remiss in the past year with mullet watching.  With everything else going on, it somehow got pushed way back on the back burner.  But today, I spotted a classic.  It was a Fem-Mullet, with a perm and color.  And to top it off, the mullet host was someone that I knew.  It was someone that I worked with back in the 80's at my bank gig.  I ran into her this afternoon at WalMart while searching for Halloween decorations for The Compound.  I wish I could have taken a picture to post of the multi-characteristiced mullet, but I didn't think it would be very polite to take a picture while we were chatting and catching up in the WalMart parking lot.  But suffice to say it was in deed a Fem-Mullet, and it definitely had a perm, and had some color enhancements. 

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