Thursday, February 18, 2010

We Saw Our Shadows!

After weeks and weeks of cloudy days, we finally saw the sun today. We were like little moles coming out of our holes when we left work today. We were all squinting from the sun and the glare of the snow, and I couldn't get to the car fast enough to put on my sunglasses. But it was sure nice to drive home in the sunshine.

I talked to four different people today who all said they were about to go crazy from cabin fever. Even though the 'Rents didn't actually say it, I know they have cabin fever. They've been looking through their seed catalogs in preparation for spring planting and reading the almanacs to find out when we're going to get some good weather. As for me, I can't say that I've had cabin fever. Even though we had (well, still have) over twelve inches of snow on the ground, I've gone pretty much anywhere I wanted to go. And I've love the snow and cold so I've been even happier the past few weeks. But I digress.

Today's sunshine will be shortlived; it's supposed to be cloudy tomorrow with some rain Saturday, Sunday and into Monday. But at least the temperatures are expected to be in the low 40's so at least everything and everybody will be thawing out.

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