Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Best Steak Of My Life

Let me preface by saying that I was too engrossed an enthralled (yes, I used the word "enthralled") in my supper tonight to take the time to take a photograph to post. That having been said, let me just say that tonight at supper, I had the best steak of my life. It wasn't at a fancy, high-priced restaurant; it was at the kitchen table here at The Compound.

It was truly a joint effort - Dad bought the steaks from our 'hood WalMart using a gift card that I gave him for his birthday, and Mom fixed them on the back porch on the George Foreman gas grill. And it was in deed the best steak of my life. They were a slightly thicker cut, and were a bit different cut from a normal ribeye; they were labeled "Del Monico" steaks. But I will say that it was the best steak I've ever had. It was cooked to perfection; not an easy feat when it comes to me. Sometimes I order mine medium rare, and sometimes I order them medium. But regardless of how I order it, i usually end up sending it back because it was either still mooing on my plate or it was burned beyond recognition. Not this steak. It was a perfect cookbook example of medium rare. And it was so tender, I could have cut it with my regular knife and not a steak knife. It melted in my mouth. I'm not sure how many other descriptive phrases I can use to describe this steak, so I'll just say it was perfect. I've had steaks at Ruth's Chris, Jeff Ruby's, Pat's Steakhouse, Morton's and many other restaurants here in Louisville and in other cities and none of them could even come close to the steak I had tonight. Yes, it was that good.

I already told Dad I would be giving him some cash and sending him back to Walmart tomorrow to pick up some more. He declined, and said instead, he would take me with him and show me how to pick out awesome steaks. If I didn't have school work to do tonight, he and I would be in the car right now heading to the store.

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