Friday, February 5, 2010


We interrupt this week's regularly scheduled "Flashback Friday" to bring you the latest news from the weatherazzi. I thought that only Louisville had the over-zealous weatherazzi but boy was I wrong. As soon as I signed on to AOL tonight, I saw a headline that said "Snowmageddon pounds the mid-atlantic." Wow - snowmageddon. And here I thought "snowgasm" was pretty wild last weekend, but it's nothing compared to a snowmageddon.

In case you haven't kept up with the news, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia and other states on the east coast were going to get pummelled with up to two feet of snow today. Yes, two feet. I got an email from a classmate today that works at the Pentagon and she said that once the snow started they were calling for about 2-3 inches per hour, and were expecting two feet of snow. I told her that if we got 24 inches of snow in Louisville, the city would be shut down till July and they would probably have to postpone the Derby until June.

Here in the 'Ville, they don't really know how much snow we'll get. The latest reports from the weatherazzi think we'll get 3-6 inches by tomorrow. Now, if you ask me, that's a pretty big variance. But anyhoo, it's been pouring rain all day and as I was driving home from work it was starting to change over to snow. I don't have anywhere I need to go until Sunday so I'm perfectly content with staying here at The Compound until then. As always, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Toots said...

Did somebody say Derby was cancelled?