Saturday, February 27, 2010

Seminar Review

It's been a very long day but it's been an awesome day. The morning started out with me waking up to two inches of snow out covering the roads and the BMW. I was glad that I had my heavy duty ice scraper brush in the car or else I guess I would have cleared the snow off of the windows with my debit card. Anyhoo, they must treat the roads differently here in Cincinnati because on my way to the church this morning there was no snjo whatsoever on the roads. But I digress. The seminar today was awesome. I got so much material to take back to the security team at church and learned a ton of valuable information on planning and preparing for emergencies and security at church.

It was a long day at the seminar; we only got one half-hour break for lunch. Thanks to my cold that I just now caught, I didn't sleep worth a darned last night, so when the seminar was over I felt like I'd worked all day long. I stopped at Moe's and got a chicken burrito and tok it back to my little hotel room and ate it while watching TV. Now I'm ready to take a nice long bath and then just watch TV and do nothing. I've taken my cold meds, have some Breathe Right strips so my nasal passages will hopefully be clear when I sleep, so I'm hoping for a better night's sleep than last night.

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