Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just Once?

I decided to get a little bit more high tech than I already am, and I got a cool new TV this weekend for my bedroom. Out with the big TV that was as wide and thick as it was tall, and in with a thin flat-screen HD TV. Before you get all excited, it's only a 22 inch model; unfortunately the 26 inch version was about a half inch too wide to fit in the TV spot in my entertainment center. But my old TV was only a 19 inch one so I've got three more inches of screen.

After supper I lugged the old set out to the living room where it will sit until DAV comes later this month and set up the cool new TV. But unfortunately I need the cord with the red, white and yellow connectors so I can hook up my VCR. I went to a huge box that we keep in the living/music room with about 87 different cords and cables in it, hoping to find the cord I needed, but no. Just once I hoped that fate would be on my side when hooking up electronic equipment. Anyhoo the picture is awesome and I just unhooked the VCR until tomorrow when I feel like going to the store to get the cable. But like I said, just once it would have been nice to have everything work out. Oh well. There's always the next time.

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