Friday, February 26, 2010

Flashback Friday

When I was little and would be getting ready for a trip, especially a week-long vacation, I would start writing my "things to pack" list weeks before the trip. Then the day or two before, I'd get the list out and start my packing. Mom would even let me pack my own clothes, but never fear; there would be a suitcase inspection prior to leaving the house, just to make sure I packed an ample supply of underwear, shirts and shorts and not just all entertainment items. To me, part of the fun of a trip was making that list; I guess because it gave me something to look forward to.

I'm not ashamed to say that today I still write a "things to pack" list for a trip, even an overnight trip. I'm a planner and, well, that's what planners do, right? Anyhoo. After I have my bag packed, I will stick the list in a pocket in my suitcase for another reason. When I leave the hotel or wherever I was, I will go over the list and make sure I haven't forgotten something. And that's just what I did this morning when I zipped up my bag in preparation for my trip to Cincinnati. On a unrelated note, I'll report in tomorrow evening and let everyone know how my church security seminar was. Until then, happy packing and list planning if you're going somewhere.

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