Saturday, September 5, 2009

Now I Want Some Ice Cream

Earlier this afternoon, I drove Mom up to our Meijers store in the hood to pick up a few things that they had on sale today, and while we were looking in the produce section, my attention turned over to the deli counter where they also have a small ice cream shop. It's nothing fancy - just a dozen flavors of ice cream served either in a cone or a paper cup. I admit it got the best of me. I walked over to the ice cream counter and when I brought out my wallet from my purse, I realized that I had left my money at home. I didn't want to get out my debit card to pay for an ice cream cone, and Mom was already in another part of the store so I couldn't run across the produce section to get a couple of bucks from her, so I just went on back and found where she was and we finished our shopping. But it seemed like every other person that we passed down the aisles of that store was eating an ice cream cone or ice cream in a paper cup. And an ice cream flavor what was Smurf blue was what the majority of the people were eating.

We left the store and came on home, but I still wanted ice cream. But lucky for me, Mom bought a half gallon of double vanilla, so you can bet I will have a scoop or two later tonight. I know it won't be the same as Smurf blue ice cream, but I guess it will have to do.

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