Wednesday, September 2, 2009

More Flip Flops In The News

Like a lot of people, the 'Rents and I watched Ted Kennedy's funeral service this past weekend. The coverage was only supposed to be for a couple of hours but the channel we were watching preempted their regular programs and kept showing the funeral coverage. It was a solemn service, with the honor guard carrying the flag-draped casket. But the coverage was not without one WTF moment. The cameras showed all of the Kennedy clan standing outside of Ted's house at their compound watching while the honor guard carried the casket to the hearse. The women were wearing black or navy dresses, and the men were wearing suits or blazers. Even the kids were dressed up like their parents, with the exception of one kid. I'm not sure who he was, or who he belonged to, but he was wearing a navy blazer, khaki shorts, and flip-flops. Yes, flip-flops. With a blazer. At a funeral.


Blgmama said...

Watched, end of the Kennedy era, for sure, Ted had his momments, but God will be his judge, not the wantabes ~ I think over the years he tried to right his wrongs. Looking back and remembering JFK and Bobby, the John very sad, I remember where I was in high school when President Kennedy was shot, and we were glued to the television......seems so long ago and also yesterday

Blgmama said...

change the the to then