Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ike Came Early

Contrary to what CNN is reporting, I believe Hurricane Ike hit the 'Ville at about noon today.  It was so windy while I was attempting to ride my bike, that I got blown back into the garage a half dozen times before I even started out.  Yeah, that was a [weak attempt at a] joke, but it sure was extremely windy today.  The heat index was over 100, too, and it felt like I had a gigantic blow dryer pointed at me,  but the heat didn't bother me nearly as bad as the damned wind.  What should have been an hour ride turned into an hour and a half, because I stopped every mile or so to rest because I was worn out from riding into the wind.  And before you can say it, the wind was changing directions because I rode into the wind coming and going.  It wore me out twice as much as the fifteen mile ride up all of those hills a couple of weeks ago.  Easily.  I've been home almost two hours from riding and I'm still tired.  A time or two, I thought I was going to fly up in the air like Elvira Gulch in "Wizard of Oz."

I just got an email weather alert saying a wind advisery is in effect for the area from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. tomorrow.  I can tell you right now there won't be any riding out on the bike path tomorrow - I'll drag the stationary bike into the garage where I can ride without being in a wind tunnel.

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