Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Heart Walk Day

Fall is in the air, and the temperatures are finally getting a little bit cooler, and it made for a perfect day for the Heart Walk.  Mom and I rolled out of bed early this morning and drove downtown where we joined a group of about 60 co-workers, friends and family members of a beloved co-worker who died a few months ago.  Today, we all walked in memory of our friend Steve McMillen.  He left us all way too soon at the young age of 55.  He was the head of the accounting department at work, and if you asked anyone at the company, they would all probably say that he was the best guy at the company, and was one of the most loved.  A few weeks ago, one of his daughters emailed the employees at work and asked if we would like to join the team she was putting together for the Heart Walk, and I'm happy to say we had about 25 from work participate in Steve's memory.  I don't know the exact number of people on our team, but it was the second largest for all teams participating in today's walk.  I'd say that's pretty darned impressive.

The walk itself was great - like I said, the weather was perfect, except for cloudy skies, but at least it wasn't hot and humid.  We started out at the Great Lawn on the waterfront and walked down the street and over the Second Street Bridge and back - a total of 3.5 miles.  It wasn't a hard walk for me, since I've been riding and walking every day, but I have to say that when I got home, I ate some lunch and took an hour nap.  But then I got up and rode 11 miles to make up for the chicken burrito I had for lunch, so I guess it all evened out.

I wish I'd thought to take a picture of the walk today to post on here.  One of the most awesome sights I've seen was when we were just starting to go up onto the bridge.  As far as I could see was nothing but a sea of people.  And they were all joined together for a couple of hours for the same cause.  It was truly an awesome sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Steve was smiling down on you all today!