Friday, February 16, 2024

Flashback Friday

 With snow in the forecast for later today, I remember back to the days when I was a kid - when there was snow in the forecast, I would get so excited.  I loved playing out in the snow, and loved getting to stay home from school even more.  On "snow days" when there was no school, we had a lunch ritual.  I would bundle up and put on my snow boots and Gram would send me down to the Little Store.  It wasn't a long walk - the store was just one house down from us. There at the Little Store, I would buy a Chef Boy Ardee pepperoni pizza.  While I was gone, Gram would chop some onion and bell pepper to "doctor up" the frozen pizza.  She would also call our neighbor Alice to let her know what time the pizza would be ready.  Alice, too, would bundle up and put on her snow boots and walk next door to our house, bringing along with her some of the awesome tasting little bottles of Coke for us to have.  

Now with snow expected later this afternoon, instead of being excited I'm nerved up; I told a friend I would pick her up and take her to an eye doctor's appointment because she was afraid she wouldn't be seeing too well to drive home after her eyes were dilated.  Luckily, the current weatherazzi reports say rain will start about 3 or 4 o'clock and then switch to snow a couple of hours later.  So I should be home before roads get slick. 

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