Friday, April 28, 2023

Flashback Friday

Derby is a week from tomorrow - and on this day they usually opened what we call the Chow Wagons at various places around town.  The Chow Wagon consisted of food booths, beer booths, and a stage where great local bands would play.  Until about 10 years ago, they had a Chow Wagon in our hood, and in 3 or 4 various locations around town, including downtown on the river front. 

At our local Chow Wagon, it was more like a family reunion.  A lot of my work friends and our family friends would gather there and have a few beers and a bratwurst or corn dog and visit and listen to great  music.  Friend's bands would usually play, and a great time was had by all.

Now, they just have the one location down on the riverfront, and they don't even call it the Chow Wagon anymore.  Those were the days. 

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