Sunday, February 7, 2021

Sorta Sucky Saturday

 My trusty old LG phone has been getting slower and slower, so this week I decided it was time for a new one.  I didn't hesitate to buy another LG; for me, they have been the best phones ever made.  I got a cool Stylo.  It's bigger, and is pretty much the LG version of the Galaxy.  I ordered it on Wednesday, and it was delivered Friday with free shipping.  Can't ask for much more than that for not having to go out to a phone store and be among the masses.  

I waited until yesterday morning to get it activated.  I had downloaded an app from LG to the old phone and the new phone that will transfer everything from an old phone to the phone.  I was hesitant, but about 10 minutes after I pressed "start" on both phones, everything had transferred over -- every contact, photo, video, a few spreadsheets and even my ringtones I'd made years ago. 

I called someone around 1:00 and all was fine.  Flash forward to supper time when I was in the car waiting for our carryout when someone texted me and I had no idea who it was.  Yep, my contacts were gone. 

After supper I got online and chatted with a customer service person from Verizon, and after a half an hour, they finally told me to take the old phone and new phone to a Verizon store and they would be able to transfer the contacts back.  Of course that put me in a foul mood.  But I don't want to risk losing my contacts on the old phone, so I'll do whatever it takes.

Stay tuned. 

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