Sunday, December 29, 2019

Rain Rain Go Away Please

It has been raining all friggin day.  It was raining when I got up this morning, and now it's still raining as I am getting settled down for the night.  
The temps today have been in the upper 60's all day long.  I wish we could have this tomorrow - the temps are supposed to start dropping at daybreak and the high will be in the upper 30's.  Not ideal weather for us here at The Compound.  The workers will be here at 9:00 in the morning to take out the old furnace and install the new one.  

I made a quick trip to buy a case of the fake logs (on sale, of course) so the Old Man will be able to keep warm in the family room while they are working.  This old house is very well insulated, so I am sure he won't freeze.  But it would have been better if they could have put the new furnace in when it was 60 degrees.  But it is what it is.

And most of all, I am very happy to report that as of 10 minutes ago, we didn't have our usual rainy day water in the basement!!! 

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