Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Wheezing Wednesday

Three fourths of the people on the first floor of my office building today were either coughing, sneezing, or blowing their noses, or a combination thereof.  On the allergy scale from one to ten, it was about eighty-seven in my office today.  It was the same at The Compound.  The Old Man said he went out to sit on the porch this afternoon, and after five minutes he was back inside. 

We've had supper, and I'm getting ready to take my bath and as I am drying off, I am going to take a Benadryl and hope for a good night's sleep. The Old Man has already said he's going to sleep tonight in his recliner to help keep his head from stopping up. 

We're expecting a couple inches of rain tomorrow, so we hope to goodness that all of that rain will wash the crap out of the air. 

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