Friday, September 11, 2015

Flashback Friday

This was a somber day in our country, but I vividly remember this day, and will always remember it.

I was in my cubicle, and my Sweet Mother had called me to check in, like she or I did every morning.  While we were talking, she had on the Today Show.  As we were talking about something, I heard her go silent.  Then she said "A plane just hit the World Trade Center."  She stayed on the phone with me, relaying the info from the news they were watching.  After about  15 minutes of her giving me info that she was hearing from the TV, she gasped, and said "Oh my God.  Another plane hit the second tower." 

I hung up the phone from talking with her, but it was reluctant.  At the time, we didn't know what was going on, or if we would be around later to be able to talk to our loved ones again.

The next vivid thing I remember was walking past my boss's office, where he had comandeered a TV, and had the news on.  I stopped in the doorway and watched just as the towers were collapsing.  I don't need to tell you it truly made me sick at my stomach.  I ran to the bathroom, and sheltered there for a few minutes.  At this point, I honestly thought this was the end of the world. 

But it wasn't.  There was more destruction - the Pentagon was hit by a third plane, and then the fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  Then we started getting reports of anthrax being let loose.  Yep, I was for sure the end of the world was coming that day.  But it didn't.

The next day, the country started digging out, and we were ready to fight.  And we still are ready.  I know I am.

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