Thursday, July 5, 2012

Heatwave 2012: Day 9

The heatwave continues.  Including today, it reached 100 or higher 8 out of the 9 consecutive days.  And on those 8 days, we either met or broke the record high.  As I type this, I can hear the weatherazzi on the TV in the family room saying that it is currently 104 right now in Louisville.  After doing a quick check, it's only 87 in Las Vegas, and 90 in Phoenix.  But I digress.

I don't need to tell you that we're over the heatwave.  They're calling for highs of 104 till Sunday.  Then they are teasing us, saying that the highs on Monday and Tuesday are only going to be in the low 80's.  I'll believe it when I see it.

The a/c here at The Compound is still doing great.  Of course during the heat of the day around supper time it's a bit warmer in the house, but that's because the stove has been going.  And for the past week they've also had the stove on during the daytime canning stuff from the garden.  So we're very content and happy with the current reading of 78 here in the house.  It beats the hell out of 104 outside.

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