Thursday, September 9, 2010

I'm Glad Summer Is Almost Over

To read the subject line, you probably think I'm going to start rambling about how hot the summer was and how glad I am that cooler weather is on the way; I could not agree more. But there's another reason I'm glad summer is almost over. This summer, I've seen more and more people driving mini-vans with the side doors open. Yes, with their side doors open. And most of the time, there were people in the back seats. Thank goodness most of them were wearing seatbelts, but on a few occasions, the people were just sitting in the back seats with one or both side doors wide open. I can't even begin to describe how dangerous that is, even if you're in the seat with your seatbelt on. All I can say is I'm glad cooler weather will be here soon so people will not drive with their mini-vans with the side doors opened.

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