It's hard to believe that almost nine months have passed by, but it's time for Angelina Jolie to have her baby. She's due around the first of June, but after photos of Angelina taken last weekend were released to the press, there's speculation that she could deliver at any minute. Reports say that security was tightened on Thursday at the Burning Shores resort where Angelina and Brad Pitt have been staying since April. So the official baby watch has begun. I'm sure that bookies in Vegas are taking bets on the birth date. I wonder if we can ask Pat Robertson if he knows when Brangelina's baby will be born?
Just this week, Pat Robertson said that God told him that storms and possibly a tsumani will hit America this year. I'm sure if Pat can predict that a tsunami as powerful as the one that hit a year and a half ago, then surely he should be able to let us know when Brangelina's baby will be born. He was pretty specific, too - he said that the Pacific Northwest is where the tsunami would hit. If he can narrow the U.S. coastline down to the Pacific Northwest, then he ought to be able to give us day so we can win the Brangelina baby pool.
I'm just happy that Robertson has quit with the death wishes like those he put on Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon recently and has moved on to predicting the weather.
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