Monday, May 15, 2006

Doesn't The Government Know It's Sweeps Week?

Political party afilliation aside, you almost never hear me publicly criticize our country's President.  It's something that I just will not do. However, our President has done something that I feel as a U.S. taxpayer, registered voter and citizen that I must speak out against.  Faithful readers, our President will be giving a nationally televised speech this evening at 8:00 est.  It will probably last an hour. This means that his speech will cause all of the prime time shows to be pushed back at least an hour - maybe longer if the commentators are long-winded.  So we'll all have to stay up at least an hour longer tonight so we can watch the season finale of "CSI: Miami" and "Grey's Anatomy" so we'll be able to talk about the shows tomorrow at work.  All I can say is he must care about what happens to Horatio's new bride who has just been shot, nor about Denny getting a new heart.  And he probably doesn't have any early appointments or meetings either - he can sleep in tomorrow while we will have to get even earlier to go and vote before work after we've stayed up late watching the season finales.

I know the illegal immigrant situation is a very important issue, and that something needs to be done about it, but why couldn't the President have given his speech this morning during Jerry Springer or Montel? Or even better - when "The View" was on?  I guess the President felt like he had a better chance going up against the May ratings sweeps than he did going against Star Jones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN, preach to me.......I thought if they took off Two Men and Half........I was going to big time pissed, plus I wasn't going to listen to the bag of wind least HGTV was on.....LOL