Friday, May 6, 2005

Once Again, Who Cares?

When the media hasn't been talking about Jennifer Wilbanks this week, they've been all over the American Idol scandal going on right now.  Corey Clark, a wannabe contestant from the 2nd season, is blabbing all over town about how he was coached by American Idol judge Paula Abdul, and how they had an affair that lasted a few months.  In spite of Abdul's efforts, Clarke was kicked off of American Idol after the show's producers found out he "failed to disclose his criminal history," said a Fox spokesman.  Clark was arrested and did some jail time for assaulting his sister and four police officers.  Looks like the coaching really helped him, didn't it?

This scandal has been made public this week because Corey Clark wrote a book about all of this, and as we all know, scandal sells.  ABC really stirred up the hornet's nest this week when they dedicated an entire episode of Prime Time Live to the American Idol scandal.  (Did I mention this is the May ratings sweeps?) They showed pages and pages of cell phone bills that listed hundreds of phone calls between Abdul and Clark.  Did I forget to mention that Paula Abdul bought the kid a cell phone, and told him not to give the number to anybody because it was their "special phone"?

Just like they did with the Jennifer Wilbanks drama, the media has gone crazy with the Amerian Idol scandal.  Once again, I say who cares?  I don't think adorable Paula Abdul would seduce a PAT like Corey Clark.  I know that phone records don't lie, but I have a hard time believing that Abdul would be so stupid to do something like this. Clark came across as an opportunist, and since he has no apparent talent, I think he figured that since he would be able to sell any records, he could sell some books.  I don't think this will hurt American Idol - it's too huge.  Unless they come out and say it was all rigged like professional wrestling, I think the show will go on for years. 

Paula Abdul Update                                                                                                This just in:  Paula Abdul will appear on this weekend's episode of "Saturday Night Live."  Everybody please tune in.  I'm sure they'll have a hilarious sketch about Corey Clark and his alleged "Paula-tics".


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