Friday, October 10, 2014

Flashback Friday

I was totally remiss in wishing you, faithful readers, a Happy Walk To School Day on Wednesday.  It totally got past me.  But it brought back memories from my elementary school days.

I was a Bus Rider, but I wished I was a Walker.  The Walkers got to get out of school 15 minutes before us Bus Riders, which was a plus.  Plus they just looked so cool, walking home from school while we had to take the bus home.

A few times a year during my elementary school days I was able to be a Walker.  My Mom's best friend lived about two blocks from my elementary school, and on skating party days, I would walk home with her daughter Sherry, and then her mom would take us to the skating rink.  It was a grand day to be able to be a Walker.  On a couple of occasions, the night before the skating party day, Mom or Dad would load up my bike and take it to their house, and sometime the next morning, my Mom's friend would take my bike and her daughter's bike to school and drop them off with the other bikes and we'd pedal back to their house before going to the skating party.  Even back in the day, my family and I were pretty darned good with logistics. 

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