Friday, June 27, 2014

Flashback Friday

A dear friend/coworker/faithful reader SH was talking to me this week about working with her church's Vacation Bible School (VBS) this past week.  She and her husband thought they would get to help in a class, and instead were drafted to work in the snack area.  Back in the day, when SH and I were in VBS, the daily snack consisted of watered down Kool-Aid and two sandwich cookies.  When I say "sandwich cookies", I'm not talking about Oreos - I'm talking about bare-bones generic sandwich cookies. 

Today, the VBS snacks parallel restaurant appetizers.  At my church's VBS last week, one night they had fruit, meat and cheese kabobs, and another night they had jello shots (with no alcohol) with a clue in the bottom of the cup that they needed to complete an assignment.  SH showed  me a picture of a very complex cake for a snack, made from angel food cake and a half dozen other ingredients.  Like I said, a far cry from the customary watered-down Kool-Aid and generic cookies.  

Back in the day, on the last day of VBS, it was Bible School Graduation.  If you were lucky and your parents were off or worked in the hood and could come to church,  they would come to the church and be a part of the graduation ceremony.  Each VBS class would get up on the stage and recite or present something they had learned during the week.  After all of the class presentations were over, we would gather together and have a hot dog, potato chips and more watered-down Kool-Aid.  

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