Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Deja Vu . . . Again

A very strange thing happened this past Sunday.  It started out early in the morning before we went to church.  While the 'Rents were finishing up getting ready, I drove up the street to get some cash from the ATM at the credit union on the corner.  There was one car in front of me, a metallic blue Highlander SUV.   On the back bumper of the SUV was a bumper sticker that said "Mean People Suck."  I agreed with them.  

Flash forward to about four hours later, when we pulled into the parking lot of our favorite Mexican joint for lunch.  I pulled into a parking space that was next to that same SUV.  The family was sitting next to us in the restaurant.  I ask you - what are the chances?  Well, the chances are exceptionally good, because about five hours later when I was on my way back from Diva Stacy's house, the same SUV was in front of me going down my street.  It was almost kinda creepy.

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