Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Farmtown 2014 First Harvest

We are all three very happy to report that the first harvest from Farmtown 2014 has been an awesome success.  We ate salad tonight made with our lettuce until it was coming out of our ears.  It tasted so fresh and crisp.  And we can't wait till supper tomorrow night for another salad.

And as I type this, the 'Rents are scouring through more of Grandma's old cookbooks to find a recipe for homemade sauerkraut.  We thought we had found a good recipe, but it wasn't suitable.  We've got feelers out on Facebook and through our network of friends, asking if anyone has a good recipe for sauerkraut.  So if any of you, faithful readers, have a good sauerkraut recipe, please send it to me.

As always, I'll keep you posted.

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