Thursday, May 29, 2014

Practice Makes Decent

I was talking with some of my friends out in the factory today, and they were all excited about the upcoming company picnic two weeks from tomorrow.  One of the guys, Big Greg, asked if I was going to get into the very popular cornhole tournament. I looked at him like he had three heads. Believe me when I tell you that there's only one sport that I am worse at when it comes to playing cornhole and that's bowling.  But I digress.  At first, I thought Big Greg was just joking, because he's seen me play before.  Then I realized he was serious.  He even said he'd talk to one of the guys in HR and ask if he would pair us up together for a team.  Heaven help us if that happens.

So tonight after supper, I went to the barn and dragged out the old cornhole boards and started practicing.  All I can say is at least I got some exercise throwing the corn bags and walking back and forth between the boards. 

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