Sunday, May 18, 2014

App Of The Week

I've mentioned before how I am a lister - I make lists.  I've made lists ever since I was in elementary school and could write.  I've sat through enough Sunday morning sermons and college classes to know that most preachers and teachers like lists, too, because they usually have at least 3 main points for their sermon or lesson.   One list that I use over and over is a packing list for a trip.  I have one list for just a night or two away, and I have another master list for a longer trip.  I'm not that OCD when I pack for a trip - it's just that I want to make sure I come back home with the same things I packed, so a list helps me make sure I didn't leave something in the hotel room.

I've got an awesome app that I use for reusable lists like packing - it's called reList.  You can make your own lists, and they also have some already made.  Unfortunately right now it's only available through iOS but they hope to have it for Android soon. 

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