Monday, September 24, 2012

Only 19?

I heard an alarming statistic on a radio news program this morning on the way to work.  They said that the average mother/wife goes to the store 19 times a month.  I beg to differ.  Now, I'm not married, and I don't have children, but I'm a vital part of my household and I do about half of the grocery shopping, so I think I count even though I'm not a wife or a mother; I'm still partially responsible for the 'Rents, so that counts.  That having been said, I still think that the average of 19 times a month is way too low. And I'm just basing that on the combined number of times that the 'Rents and I go to a store in a one month period.  There are times when I probably go to the store that many times in a ten-day period.  Just saying. When you think about the stops at the store before work, during work, and after work, it starts adding up.

To prove my point, starting on October 1, the 'Rents and I will keep track of the number of times that we go to the store for the entire month.  I'll also keep a separate count of only my visits to the store. We won't count the visits to the local big box home improvement stores or specialty stores; we'll just count visits to stores where you can buy food and things the family normally needs in a month.  I'm telling you right now it will be more than 19. 

On November 1, I'll give my report and final count.  Stay tuned; I'll keep you posted.

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