Friday, September 28, 2012

Flashback Friday

Back in the day in elementary and early middle school, car erasers were the thing.  They were a pretty hot commodity at the bookstores, and they would sell out pretty quickly.  But they were the coolest thing in the entire bookstore. 

Some of the kids would snag some staples from the teacher's stapler and stick them in the bottom of the eraser where the wheel axel would be, and this would cause the car eraser to slide across the desks easier when you pushed them.  Of coure I never did that; being the odd kid that didn't want to deface my little car eraser.

And back then, I remember that the pink car eraser was the #1 primo eraser to get.  Nobody wanted the yellow or green ones; but if you were lucky enough to get the pink, you felt like a king or a queen for a day. And the bookstore clerk would never trade out the colors - whatever color she picked up was the color you got.

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