Thursday, September 6, 2012

Farewell, Butch

My heart is heavy as I write that my friend and favorite car mechanic has passed away.  Butch owned and operated a car repair shop about a half mile from work, and he and his crew has worked on many a car belonging to me and my coworkers. Butch died last Friday after an extremely sudden bout of cancer. 

He was the man that I took the BMW to for all of the years that I've owned it, and he was also the man who kept the old Blazer in good shape. Butch was a Christian, and I know without a doubt he's in heaven right now fixing cars, if in fact there are cars in heaven.  

I've said this before and I will say it again, that Butch was the most honest businessman that I have ever dealt with.  And if you ask anyone right now, they would say the same thing.  He didn't fleece women who brought their cars there for a repair.  I remember years ago him telling me "I treat my customers like I would want my wife and children treated." 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Butch's wife and his kids and grandkids.  While I am sad about his passing, I rejoice in the fact that he left such an awesome legacy for his family.  I'm pretty sure when he reached the Pearly Gates, he heard the words "Well done, good and faithful servant."

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