Friday, September 21, 2012

Flashback Friday

In an age where practically everyone has access to the internet at home, work, school, restaurants, bars, and elsewhere via wi-fi connections and smart phones, it's hard to imagine a time when we did not have internet access.  It wasn't all that long ago.

Way back in the day,15 or more years ago, when very few people know about the internet, there were internet cafes.  You would pay per half hour or hour and get to use the computers at an internet cafe.  They would sell coffee (usually just regular or decaf) but the main objective was that you paid to use their computers and internet. 

I visited an internet cafe one time - just because it was new and hip and I wanted to experience.  If you'd been there and watched me during my half hour, you would have thought "she has no business being there."  Yep, I was clueless.  I had no idea what I was doing, but by god I was going to have the internet experience. The only thing I remember was being on an instant message chat with second cousin Nick - other than that, I don't remember much. Wait - I remember looking up (attempting would be more like it) the guitar chords for some songs.  It's not like I was drunk and don't remember; it's just that the whole experience was just not memorable, other than the fact that I paid $9.95 to use an ancient laptop computer connected to the internet for 30 minutes.  We've come a long way, baby.

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