Friday, September 14, 2012

Flashback Friday

I just got home from a business trip, and while driving back this morning, I had a hankering for a cup of coffee.  But not just any coffee, mind you - I wanted a cup of coffee from a vending machine at a rest stop.  When I was a kid and we would travel, it was a highlight when we stopped at a rest area and we would get a cup of coffee from one of the vending machines.  The 'Rents even let me get a cup.  The part that was the highlight was the actual cup itself - they would have four different playing cards printed on the cup, and the fifth card would be on the bottom, giving you a full poker hand.  The three of us would compare our cups and see who had the winning hand; the two losers had to chip in the next stop and buy the winner's coffee. 

The last time I got rest area vending machine coffee was in my late teens, so this morning, I knew I had to stop.  It was just like I remembered it. The cups are pretty small, and they get extremely hot from the coffee.  And I had a pretty decent hand - with my cards, I ended up with two pair.

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